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Time Saving Tips
on How to Keep Safety a Priority

It can be easy to cut corners to keep up with a hectic production schedule, especially if you've done so before with no repercussions. However, it only takes one unsafe misstep to result in something with significant ramifications - including loss of life. While most workplaces have put better training, policies, and equipment in place to assist with the conversation of safety, it's important that to make sure these safety measures continue and not stall. By reiterating the importance of safety, you will be creating a better overall workplace.

Workplace Safety Tips

You may be wondering how, as a leader, you can reinforce safety, without making it feel like it is something that should be swept under the rug. By having crucial conversations, you'll be able to save time but keep safety a priority. Take into consideration these five practices that will help resolve safety issues.

Blow the Whistle:

Many issues are so common, sometimes they are completely unseen by safety leaders. Reiterate basic safety measures and share safety data. By bringing up the conversation with your employees and getting the discussion started, you may be able to blow the whistle on a potential unsafe method of doing something.

Commit to Surveys:

If you are serious about establishing accountability, survey your associates. Whether it is done online anonymously, or a meeting is held where a simple raise of the hand is requested, this will bring up crucial safety issues and how to work on resolving them. By showing your workers you are committed to safety, you'll notice greater commitment on their behalf as well.

Make Training Available:

Many employees lack the confidence needed to convey issues to their superiors because they are not sure if they are correct with their notions of safety. This can be resolved by offering proper, and continuing training to associates, so they know when to raise flags.

Reinforce Accountability:

In addition to making sure employees receive additional training, it's important that their superiors are held responsible for their success. This way, an overall culture of safety is created.

Praise Success:

Highlight those who have succeeded in making safety a success - this is important because it shows that you genuinely appreciate their commitment.

By keeping these tips and practices in mind, you'll be able to work towards a safer environment, while keeping safety a priority.

Have a Safe Day!